Igor N. von BECKMAN - Doctor of science, Professor of Chemistry Department of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
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Curriculum Vitae
Igor N. Beckman, Professor
Department of Chemistry
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Name: Beckman Igor Nikolaevich
Affiliation: Leninsky Gory, Chair of Radiochemistry, Chemical Department,
Moscow State University, Moscow, GSP-3, 119899,
Tel. (007-095)-939-32-12,
E-mail: beckman@rambler.ru
Skype: beckman.igor
Data and Place of Birth: July 7, 1941, Moscow, Russia
Home address: Lesteva Str., 19-1-58, Moscow, 117419, Russia,
Tel (07-095)-952-87-41
Moscow State University Feb. 1971 Ph.D. in Radiochemistry
Moscow State University June 1965 M.Sc. in Chemistry
(Dissertation:”Structure of Polymers Investigated by Inert Gases Diffusion Method”)
Moscow State University June 1988 Doctor of Sciences:
1) Physical Chemistry,
2) Radiochemistry
(Dissertation: “Diffusion Radioactive Gases Probes in Study of Structu
re and Transport Properties of Materials”)
Moscow State University Nov. 1992 Professor in Nuclear Physics
Honorary Title: the Deserved Professor of the Moscow State University
1965-1982 Assistant Professor Radiochemistry MSU
1982-1988 Senior Scientific Researcher Chemical Technology MSU
1988-1992 Leading Scientific Researcher Physical Chemistry MSU
1992- present Professor Environment Protection and Radioecology MSU
1994-present Head of Laboratory Ecological radiochemistry MSU
1990- present Sci. Head Membrane Research Center Institute Petrochemical
Synthesis RAS
1994- 2001 Visiting Professor Nuclear Physics Karlov University
Prague, Czechia
1996-1997 Visiting Proffessor Waste management Munich Technical
University, Germany
1998-2000 Visiting Professor Membrane Technology University of Stellenbosch,
Capetown, SAR
2005-2008 Visiting Professor Nuclear physics Kazakh National
University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
-Russian Chemical Society (member)
-Russian Membrane Society (senior member)
-Academic Council: “Membrane and Membrane Technology” (vice-chairman)
-Academic Council: “Radiochemistry” (member)
-Academic Council: “Inorganic Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry” (member)
-Academic Council: "Physical Chemistry and Radiochemistry" (member)
-Scientific Marine Council of MSU (member)
Main field:
-Physical Chemistry
-Materials science
-Environmental Chemistry
Other fields:
-Diffusion Processes in Solids, Liquids and Gases
-Mathematics of Diffusion
-Membranes and Membranes Processes
-Integrated Systems of Chemical Technology and Membrane Reactors
-Mass-transfer of Radinuclides and Toxic Pollutants in Environment
-Radon in Human Environment
-Management of Nuclear Waste
Current Research Interests:
-Theory of Diffusion in Heterogeneous Active Media, in Hybrid Membranes Systems and in Membrane Reactors
-Compute Modeling Diffusion Processes and Solid State Reactions
-Adsorption Technique of Gas Separation: Planar Adsorbents, Regular Structure
Apparatus, Swing-Adsorption Techniques
-Membrane Chemical and Plasma-chemical Reactors, Bioreactors, Permabsorbers
-State and Migration of Radionuclides in Environment
-Hydrogen in solids
-Education Service Award, Moscow State University, 1990
-Moscow State University Award, 1991
-Moscow State University Award, 1992
-International Science Foundation Award, 1993-1996
-Scientific Grant of RF Government as Prominent Scientist, 1994-1997
-Germany DAAD Stipendium, 1997
-Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, 1998-2000
-NATO Stipendium, 2001
-Grant from the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) Foundation program (2004).
Chairman of Scientific Sessions at various Conferences (12 times)
19 Scientific Expeditions (Head of teams)
The Supervision of Dissertation Works
M.Sc.-degree: 34; Ph.D.-degree: 14; Doctor of Sciences: 4
All: 270 original publications. Number of papers in refereed journal: 210.
Number of communications to scientific meetings: 80. Books: 4. Tutorials: 3. Patents: 20 (11 patents can’t be published)
Scientific reports: 12 (7 works secured the financial backing of the Defense Ministry)
-Nuclear industry
-Radiochemistry: fundamental radiochemistry, applied radiochemistry, industrial radiochemistry, ecological radiochemistry, medical radiochemistry
- Radioactive elements
-Mathematics of Diffusion
-Scientific Bases of Membrane Technology
-Modern Computing Techniques in the Evaluation and interpretation of Results of Chemical Experiments
-Radiometric Emanation Method
-Mass-transfer of Radionuclides and Toxic Pollutants in Environment
-Diagnostics of Materials by Gas Probe Technique
1. Experimental methods of study of radioactive gas diffusion in solids.1.Equipment for radio-chemical version of permeability method (with A.P.Brovko)- Radiokhimija, v.23 (1981) 275 (Russ)
2. Experimental methods of study of radioactive gas diffusion in solids. 11. Equipment and technique of experiment by radioactive gas probe method - Radiokhimija, v.29 (1987) 242 (Russia)
3. Radiochemical methods of study of gases diffusion in solids - J. Phys. Chemistry, v.54,N11 (1980) 2785-2790 (Russia)
4. Use of diffusions membranes for cleaning gas rejects of atomic plants (with E.I.Bozhenko, F.A.Mahmutov, V.K.Belijakov, V.N.Nikonov) - J.Plactic. Mass., N2 (1982) 51-52 (Russia)
5. Emanation thermal analysis of defect media (with J.Criz, V.Balek) - Thermochim Acta, v.92 (1985) 69-72
6. Investigation of hydrogen permeability in electronics technology (with I.E.Gabis, T.N.Kompaniets, A.A.Kurdyumov, V.L.Lyasnikov) - In.: Reviews of Electronics, Moscow, 1985, ser.1 (1984) 1-66 (Russia)
7. Use of radioactive gases for decorating of nonhomogeneous structure of polymeric materials (with I.M.Buntseva, V.I.Korobkov) - Radiokhimia, v.28, N(1986) 292-298 (Russia)
8. Theory of emanation thermal analysis. 7. Thermostimulated inert gas release as influenced by the energy spectrum of the defect sites in solids (with A.V.Zheleznov, V.Balek) - Thermochim Acta, v.142 (1989) 241-264
9. Tracers atoms in thermoanalysis - In.: V.Balek, J.Tolgyessy “Emanation thermal analysis, Moscow, Mir, 1986, 291-306 (Russia)
10. Phenomenological description of the diffusion in defective media - In.: “Interactions of hydrogen with metals” (A.P.Zakharov, Ed.), N., Nauka, 1987, p.143-177 (Russia)
11. Phenomenological theory of diffusion in heterogeneous media and its application for the description of the processes in membrane separation (with I.P.Romanovskii) - Russian Chemical Reviews, v.57, N6 (1988) 530-538
12. Inert gas diffusion probe in study of polymer materials-Thermochim Acta, v.190, N4 (1991) 66-72
13. State of radon in crystalline polymers (with I.M.Buntseva)- J.Radional. Nucl. Chem. Letters, v.153, N5 (1991) 345-355
14. Separation of gas mixtures under unsteady-state conditions (with A.B.Shelekhin, V.V.Teplyakov) - J.Membr. Sci., v.55 (1991) 283-297
15. Gas separation processes in membrane absorber (A.B.Shelekhin)-J.Membr.Sci., v.73 (1992) 73
16. Plane adsorbents. 3. Dynamic of impurities adsorption under filtration through layer of seemlier to felt fibrous basaltic adsorbent (with V.K.Belnov, M.S.Safonov, A.U.Zuzin, E.A.Kalinin) - J.Phys.Chemistry, v.67, N3, 1993, 582-584 (Russia)
17. Evaluation of thermal analysis of experimental data. 1. Computer modeling and interpretation of thermal decomposition of solids studied by evolved gas analysis and thermogravimetry (with A.V.Zheleznov, V.Balek) - J. Thermal Analysis, v.37 (1991) 1479-1485
18. Autowaves in ecological systems with pollutants (with A.E.Bugrim, V.S.Zhukov)- Vest. Mosk. Univ., Ser.2: Khim. v.34 N2 (1993) 94-99 (Russia)
19. Complex investigation of gas diffusion processes in vacuum technology materials. 1. Automatically-controlled plant for study of hydrogen permeability of metals with simultaneous diagnostics of membrane material (with O.G.Romanenko, I.L.Tajibaeva, V.P.Shestakov) - Vacuum Physical and Technology, v.1, N.1 (1993) 43-51
20. The selective membrane valve for ternary gas mixtures separation: Model of mass transfer and experimental test (with D.G.Bessarabov. V.V.Teplyakov) – Ind.. Eng. Chem. Res., v.32, N9 (1993) 2017-2022
21. Unusual membrane prońesses: non-steady state regimes, nonhomogeneous and moving membranes. Polymeric gas separation membranes (Eds .D.R.Paul, Y.P.Yampolskii),chap.5, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 1994, p.301-352
22. Statistical characteristics of radiation fields of Black Sea (with A.V.Zheleznov, O.V.Dubovaya) - Vest. Mosk. Univ., Ser.2: Khim. v.36 N3 (1995) 228-236 (Russia)
23. Regimes of gas diffusion kinetic in microheterogeneous materials (with B.K.Belnov, M.S.Safonov) - J.Phys.Chem., v.69, N.9 (1995) 1546-1569 (Russia)
24. High-efficiency separation of ethylene/ethane mixture by a large-scale liquid-membrane contactor flat-sheet non-porous polymeric gas-separation membranes and selective flowing-liquid absorbent (with D.G.Bessarabov, R.D.Sanderson, E.P.Jacobs) - Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., v.34 (1995) 1769-1778
25. Use of nonporous polymeric flat-sheet gas-separation membranes in a membrane-liquid contactor. (with D.G.Bessarabov, E.P.Jacobs, R.D.Sanderson) - J. Membr. Sci., v.113 (1996) 275-284.
26. Integrated membrane systems for gas separation in biotechnology. (with V.Teplyakov, E.Sostina, A.Netrusov) - Word Journal of Microbiology and Biotechology, vol.12 (1996) 477-485
27. Thermostimulated inert gas release analysis in the diagnostics of materials (with V.Balek) - Thermochim Acta, v.295 (1997) 147-165
28. Emanation thermal analysis of low-density polyethylene irradiated by electron beam (with V.Balek) - Thermochimica Acta 320 (1998) 169-176
29. Theory of emanation thermal analysis XI. Radon diffusion as the probe of micros
tructure changes in solids (with V.Balek) - J. Thermal. Anal., v.67 (2002) 49-61
30. Emanation thermal analysis. Ready to fulfill the needs of materials characterization (with V.Balek) - J. Thermal. Anal., v.67 (2002) 15-35
31. Emanation thermal analysis study of synthetic gibbsite. Evaluation of experimental ETA results by mathematical modeling (with V.Balek) -J. Therm.Anal. Calorimetry, v.71 (2003) 773-782
32. Study of natural and ion exchanged vermiculite by emanation thermal analysis, TG, DTA and XRD.(with V.Balek)
J.Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v.71 (2003) 715-726
33. Preparation of mesopous titania gel films and their characterization (with V.Balek)-
J. of Non-Crystalline Solids 350 (2004) 266-270.
34.Thermal becavior of perovskite ceramics as a matrix for encapsulation of hazardous elements(with V.Balek)-
J. Thermal. Analysis and Calorimetry, v.80 (2005) 649 – 654.
35. Theory of emanation thermal analysis XII. Modellling of radon diffusion release from disordered solids on heating. (with V.Balek)-J. Thermal. Analysis and Calorimetry, v.82, No.3 (2005) 755–759
36. Emanation thermal analysis in the investigations of solids surfaces (with V.Balek)-
XVII. Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Thermal 2005. Stara Lesna, Slovak Republic, 2-5 October, 2005,25–28.
37. Prediction of gas permeability of polymer membrane materials using an improved empirical statistical method
9with V. Teplyakov) Euromembrane-2006, Giardian Naxos-Taormina (Messina) – Italy, 24-28 September 2006.
38. Emanation thermal analysis study of brannerite ceramics for immobilization of hazardous waste. Journal of (with V.Balek)Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 92 (2008) 1, 155–160
39. Transport properties and talc characterized by emanation thermal analysis (with V.Balek) - Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 92 (2008) 1, 253–258
40 Thermal behavior of ground talc mineral.(with V.Balek)-
Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, 44 B (2008) 7 – 17
41. Diffusion structural diagnostics of self-irradiated amorphous minerals. Some thermodynamic structural and behavioral aspects of materials (with V.Balek)-
(Eds. J.Sestak, M.Holecek, J. Malek)// Published by Westbohemian University ZCU Plzen in 2009, ńņš. 486-496
42. Numerical Method for Determining the Diffusion Coefficient of a GassForming Impurity in a Solid Using the Results of the Integral Penetrability Method ((with V. N. Lobko)//Technical Physics, 2010, Vol. 55, No. 9, pp. 1306-1310. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010.
43. Emanation thermal analysis as method for diffusion structural diagnostics of zircon and brannerite minerals (with V. Balek, I.M. Bountseva)//In: Glassy, amorphous and nano-crystalline materials: thermal physics, analysis, structure and properties (Eds. J.Sestak, J.J.Mares, P.Hubik) Hot topics in thermal analysis and calorimetrry, v.8. Springer, Dordrecht, London, Heidelberg, New York, 2011, P 261-270.
44. Tritium accumulation and release from Li2TiO3 during long-term irradiation in the WWR-K reactor(with I. Tazhibayeva, V. Shestakov, A. Kiykabaeva, H. Kawamura, K. Tsuchiya)//J. Nucl. Mater. v. 417 (2011) 748-752
46. Particularities of membrane gas separation under unsteady state conditions ((with Shalygin M.G., Tepliakov V.V.)//Mass transfer in chemical engineering processes///Book 1, 2011, P 205 - 232