Стипендия В.Вильсона от фонда Э.Оппенгеймера
Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust
W.D.Wilson visiting fellowship awards
При поддержке научной стипендии им.В.Вильсона от фонда Эрнеста Оппенгеймера была осуществлена стажировка проф.И.Н.Бекмана в Институте полимеров при Стелленбошском университете в 1998-2000 годах. Инициатором приглажения был директор Института проф. Рон Сандерсом, отвественным за прием был доц. Дмитрий Георгиевич Бессарабов. Всего осуществлено три командировки (2.04.98 – 5.05.98; 22.10.98 – 21.12.98; 3.02.00 – 2.03.00). В ходе выполнения гранта И.Н.Бекман также посетил и выступил с чтением лекций в Кейптаунском университете, ускорительном центре и на фирме СОСОЛ.
Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Instituut vir Polimeerwetenskap
University of Stellenbosch, Institute for Polymer Science
UNESCO Associated Center for Macromolecules and Materials
Стелленбошский университет (недалеко от Кейптауна), ЮАР, химический факультет, Институт полимеров, Центр под эгидой ЮНЕСКО: Макромолекулы и материалы.
Ron D.Sanderson, director of Institute for Polymer Science
Dmitry G. Bessarabov, Ph.D. Universitet van Stellebosch, Institute for Polymer Science, Hydrocarbons Separation and Electro-Separations group Project Leader, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Dear Prof.Bekman,
It is my pleasure to inform you have been awarded a W.D.Wilson visiting Fellowship (Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust) You will need to cover all the travel, living and any other expenses from the Fellowship for a minimum of up to 6 months. Your first visit can be completed in March-May 1998. In this regard, I would like to invite you to visit first time the Institute for Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, for a period up to six weeks in March-May 1998. During your visit you will participate in the research work in the field of membrane-based hybrid electrochemical separations. You will also take part in lecturing at the University of Stellenbosch on “Transport phenomena in heterogeneous polymeric systems”. Our Institute has got a status of the International UNESCO Assoc. Centre for Macromolecules and Materials for Rural Development. In this regard, I would also expect from you to play an active role in negotiations on possible education and scientific co-operation between the Moscow State University and University of Stellenbosch. Possible joint industrial research projects would also be discussed. Please use this letter as an official invitation to visit South Africa when applying for a South African visa at the R.S.A. Embassy in Moscow. Looking forward to seeing you in Stellenbosch. Prof. R.D.Sanderson, director. 9.12.1997.
Меморандум о международном сотрудничестве:
Prof. Igor Beckman has been awarded a prestigious WD Wilson Visiting Fellowship by the Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, South Africa. As a part of his visit programme in South Africa, Prof. Beckman is working towards setting up and strengthening international collaboration in science and education between the MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, and the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The present memorandum serves to confirm that negotiations on the above matter have taken place. The South African party were represented by the UNESCO Associated Centre for Macromolecules and Materials (Institute for Polymer Science), University of Stellenbosch. The following direction for future collaboration have been identified: the exchange of study material and courses, exchange of students and researchers, joint research in the area of membrane technology and polymer science. The joint work could include performing experimental work, processing and interpretation of the results, writing up papers, and so forth.
During the next visit of Prof.Beckman to Stellenbosch, South Africa, within his programme sponsored by the Ernest Oppenheimer Trust, a detailed discussion of the plans will be organized. This will enable the identification of the specific steps towards the realization of the programme, as well as to finalise the organizational and financial aspects. Prof. Ron D.Sanderson, UNESCO Associated Centre for Macromolecules and Materials, Institute for Polymer Science, University of Stellenbosch, 5.05.1998
Ron D.Sanderson, director of Institute for Polymer Science
Отзыв на стажировку И.Н.Бекмана в Стелленбошском университете:
Mr. Paul Hollesen, The Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust, PO Box 61593, MARSHALLTOWN 2107
Dear Mr.Hollessen
The Institute for Polymer Science, as a part of the University of Stellenbosch, was most fortunate to have Prof. I.Beckman from the Chemical Department of the Moscow State University at Stellenbosch on three occasions during the period from 1998 to 2000. The was made possible due to support of the Ernest Oppenheimer Trust which granted Prof. Beckman a WD Wilson Visiting Fellowship. Due to the continuous support provided by the Ernest Oppenheimer Trust and consecutive visits to the Institute for Polymer Science (IPS) by top Russian scientists, namely Prof. SF Timashev (a recipient of the same fellowship in 1996) and Prof. I.Beckman (a recipient of 1998), the research activities at the IPS were given a boost. Prof. Beckman, a highly rates scientists in Russia, has close links with not only academic research institutions but also with higher educational organizations. His vast teaching expertise was of enormous help on many occasions when he participated and played a key role in scientific discussions with students, seminars with researchers, including those of the National Acceleration Centre. He took part in examination of an M.Sc. thesis of Miss Wynova Michaels and, by actively critising, contributed to the improvement of the thesis. Within a recent agreement on scientific cooperation between South Africa and Russia, Prof. Beckman suggested that the Moscow State University could play a key role in developing links between higher educational institutions of the two countries. In particular, he proposed to set up an international physical chemistry course using software developed by MathSoft Inc. The course could be simultaneously used both in SA and Russia. Dr. D. Bessarabov, Chemistry Department of the University of Stellenbosch, has agreed to participate and lead the work. Becides the teaching activities, Prof. Beckman actively contributed to the research work conducted at the University of Stellenbosch. Being a specialist in the field of mass transfer in membranes, Prof. Beckman has proposed a number of mathematical models of membrane separations of gases and vapours, the latter being valuable products of SASOL industries. An experimental validation of the models was carried out at the IPS. In particular, a scientific paper by DG Bessarabov et al., which demonstrated a possibility of highly efficient n-hexane/1-hexene separations, was published in 1999. (The separation factor achieved was 200). During the visit by Prof. Beckman to the IPS, articles related to the improvement of the mathematical concepts presented by Dr. DG Bessarabov in his Ph.D. thesis in 1996, were published.
In order to make the information accessible to a wider audience, a decision was made to publish the articles in a bilingual (Russian/English) journal, namely, Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin. In particular, the following articles were published:
1. I.N.Beckman, D.G.Bessarabov, R.D.Sanderson “Integrated membrane systems with moving liquid carrier”, Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin (Russian/English), 1999, 40 (6) 408-413.
2. I.N.Beckman, D.G.Bessarabov, D.D.Sanderson “Diffusion processes in the absorption module of a membrane contactor”, Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin (Russian/English), 1999, 40 (6) 408-413
3. I.N.Beckman, D.G.Bessarabov, D.D.Sanderson “Separation a gaseous mixture in the absorption module of a membrane contactor”, Moscow University Chemistry Bulletin (Russian/English), 1999, 40 (6) 408-413
As a part of Prof. Beckman’s activities at the IPS, theory of emanation-thermal analysis was presented at seminars. As result, a short joint research was carried out. It success was achieved due the combination of thr expertise of the IPS in polymers and that of Prof. Beckman in radiochemistry. Results of the research were presented at the 6th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Application at Stellenbosch, SA, in 1998. The title of the presentation was “Ion implantation of radionuclides and thermodesorption spectroscopy for characterization of new materials” by I.N.Beckman, D.G.Bessarabov, R.D.Sanderson. The WD Wilson Visiting Fellowship is a cementing force in the establishing of an internationally recognized scientific structure aiming at research in the field of material science. More importantly, it has helped to structure a growing relationship between Russia and South Africa in areas of nutual interest. Thanks to the Oppenheimer Trust two kings of Russian science and technology visited and worked at Stellenbosch University. We have another candidate in mind and sincerely hope for the continuous support by the Ernest Oppenheimer Memorial Trust in the future. Many thanks again to the Trust for a truly beneficial fellowship award. Yours sincerely, Prof. RD Sanderson, 29.02.2000.